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MSME Registration

What is MSME Registration?

MSME stands for Micro, small & medium enterprises. As per the government, it is not mandatory to get registered under MSME or to go for MSME registration online but it is suggested that small & medium enterprises should go for it as it can provide you various benefits in the form of business set up, taxation, credit facilities, loans etc. Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) involved in manufacturing or service area can obtain registration under the MSME act.

MSME Registration

Who should apply for Udyog Aadhaar Registration?

Any type of business entity can obtain Udyog Aadhaar registration online such as sole proprietors
, Partnership firms, HUF’s, Public limited companies,

Private limited companies, Limited Liability partnerships, One person companies , Co-operative societies, Production companies, any AOP’s, other undertakings etc.

In order to obtain the MSME registration, there is a set specified criterion that a business entity needs to meet in order to classify themselves as Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME). There is a lot of paper work you need to do at the time of starting a business and getting MSME or SSI registration through the manual process.

Therefore, it is advisable that you can now easily do the MSME registration online and can obtain an MSME

Now, Udyog Aadhaar registration/MSME registration is completely an online process and after registration, you can avail various government benefits such as easy loan approvals, subsidies etc.

Property paper
Cancelled Cheque
Company Registration i.e., Sale or Purchase Bill and PAN card
Business Address Proof

Additional Documents required for MSME registration

Property paper
Cancelled Cheque
Company Registration i.e., Sale or Purchase Bill and PAN card
Business Address Proof
Copies of Sale and Purchase Bills
Partnership Deed
Memorandum of Association
Articles of Association (AoA)
Copies of Licenses and Bills of Machinery Purchased

Benefits of MSME Registration

Udyog Aadhaar registration is a very simple process by which an enterprise can easily obtain their MSME
certificate online. Previously, you need to do lots of paperwork in order to obtain MSME registration. Now, the new online process is well-organized & systematized and providing enterprises with the maximum benefits. Hence, there are many benefits of obtaining Udyog Aadhaar registration which are as follows –


For most of the business tender applications, one of the desired eligibility criteria is MSME/SSI registration as many government tenders open only to MSME’s to promote small business participation.


Business registered as MSME/SSI will get multiple benefits from the government such as tax subsidies, Capital investment subsidies etc.

Interest rates offered to Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) registered businesses on loan is 1-1.5% cheaper than the normal interest rate.

In terms of govt. licenses and certifications, the business registered under MSME/SSI has been given high
preference and get fast approvals from the state and govt. regulatory bodies.

As per the mudra scheme by PM Modi, You can easily get loans without collaterals.

The MSME/SSI registered businesses receives various benefits such as cheaper electricity charges, VAT
exemptions etc. Other business services like patents are also cheaper for registered MSME’s.

What are the Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprise (MSME)?

Micro Enterprises
In case you are a manufacturing or a service enterprise and having an investment of less than Rs.1 Crore and turnover of less than Rs.5 Crore, your enterprise will be considered as a micro enterprise. Micro enterprises have less amount of capital in comparison to small & medium enterprises and less than 10 individuals to work for them.

Small Enterprises

In case you are a manufacturing or a service enterprise and having an investment of less than Rs.10 Crore and turnover of less than Rs.50 Crore, your enterprise will be considered as a small enterprise. Small enterprises have more amount of capital than micro-enterprises but less amount of capital than medium enterprises. Sole proprietorship, small companies or small organizations are the perfect examples of small enterprises. A small enterprise workforce ranges between 10 individuals to 50 employees.

Medium enterprises

If you are a manufacturing or a service enterprise and having an investment of less than Rs.20 Crore and turnover of less than Rs.100 Crore, your enterprise will be considered as a medium enterprise. Medium enterprises have more amount of capital in comparison to micro and small enterprises. A medium enterprise comprises less than 250 people and as enterprises progress by earning more income, the need for more capital and workers also arises to fulfil its business requirements.

Registration Process of Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME)

Every company has its own procedure for the MSME/Udyog Aadhaar registration but SS Auditors makes it very easy for their clients. Obtaining quick, complete information, document preparation, verification and a fast approval process is what we believe in. There is no need for your Physical presence as everything will be done online.

Step by Step MSME/SSI registrations process is as follows -

Step 1 : Complete the required information needed in MSME/SSI registration form. It includes your personal information as well as your business information.
Step 2 : As per the details provided, we will start preparing your documents accordingly and it will take around 1-2 working days.
Step 3 : In the third step, our experts will verify your documents properly and submit the same along with the application form to the MSME registrar for approval and it will take around 2 working days.
Step 4 : In the last and the fourth step, your application will be approved by the MSME registrar and the
certificate will be issued to you. We will send you the certificate via e-mail & courier.

Information Required for the MSME Registration

Name of the Entrepreneur/Applicant – In order to obtain Udyog Aadhaar new registration, the first thing you need to do is enter your name as mentioned on the Aadhaar card in the MSME registration form.

Aadhaar number – Enter your 12 digit Aadhaar card number issued by UIDAI.

PAN card - Enter your PAN card number in the required field.

Gender – Choose your gender – Male or Female

Mobile number – Enter your registered mobile number in the MSME registration form.

E-mail ID – Enter your registered E-mail ID in the required field.

Social category – Choose your social category among General/SC/ST/OBC.

Physically handicapped – In case you are a physically handicapped person, you must choose the option of
the physically handicapped or disabled person in the MSME registration form.

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Name of Enterprise – Enter the full name of your enterprise correctly. An applicant having more than one
Enterprise can apply for multiple Udyog Aadhaar (One for each enterprise) using the same Aadhaar number.

For ex – Enterprise 1 or Enterprise 2.
Type of Organization – Enter the type of business or legal entity you are operating as a business (Sole
proprietorship, Partnership firm, HUF, LLP, Public limited company, private limited company, Co-operatives,

Date of commencement of business – Commencement date means the date on which you started your
business operations.

Plant location – Place where you are manufacturing something or a factory.
Office Address – For better communication, kindly provide the postal address of your business along with the contact number & E-mail Address.
Bank Account number – Kindly provide your bank account number given on the Cheque book and passbook of the concerned bank.

IFSC code – Kindly provide your IFSC code of the concerned bank (Given on the cheque book as well as
passbook of the bank)

Main business activity – Mention key area of your business activity such as manufacturing or service.

NIC - The 2 digit code - You must enter your national industrial classification code mentioned in the National
industrial classification handbook. A single applicant might select multiple NIC codes to include all of its

Number of employees – Details about the number of employees employed by you in your enterprise

Additional details about business – Kindly provide additional details related to your business (If applicable).

Total investment made in Plant & Machinery – Kindly provide the total amount which you invested in your

business in terms of Machinery & Equipment.

Scanned Copy of Aadhaar card – Kindly provide a scanned copy of Aadhaar card. It should be clear enough
and easy to read.

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